Effect of mirtazapine on weight and metabolic profile among psychiatric patients: A prospective, observational study from South India
Mirtazapine, weight gain, metabolic, tertiary care, IndiaAbstract
Background: Treatment with mirtazapine is reported to cause weight gain and adverse metabolic profile in several populations. Limited information is available regarding the metabolic adverse effects of mirtazapine in the Indian population. This study aims to compare the weight and metabolic profile of patients on mirtazapine at baseline and after six months of treatment in a tertiary care Indian setting. Methodology: This hospital-based, observational study was conducted in a tertiary care teaching institute in South India. Forty patients prescribed mirtazapine for various psychiatric disorders were included. Weight, body mass index, lipid profile, blood sugar, and HbA1c values were compared at baseline and after six months of treatment. Descriptive statistics used included mean and standard deviation (SD). Results: Statistically significant increase in mean weight (0.97 kg, SD - 2.2; p = 0.008), mean BMI, mean HbA1C (0.1, SD - 0.21; p = 0.007), and mean total cholesterol (6.6 mg/dl, SD - 13.5; p = 0.005) was observed after six months of treatment with mirtazapine. Conclusion: The study demonstrates the importance of close monitoring of patients who are started on mirtazapine to identify and treat metabolic deregulation promptly. Long-term, controlled studies in larger samples are needed to arrive at meaningful conclusions.
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