Relation Between Clinical and Social Variables and Duration of Untreated Psychosis in First Episode Psychosis
Background: Several studies have shown that if untreated, psychosis can cause significant reduction in brain volume and worsening of disease outcome. Reducing Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) is an important early intervention strategy. Factors associated with longer DUP remain poorly understood and there is a paucity of Indian studies in this regard.
Methods: We compared sociodemographic data, premorbid functioning and psychopathology of patients of first episode psychosis with brief (six months or less) or long (more than six months) DUP. Premorbid Adjustment Scale and PANSS were used to assess the premorbid functioning and psychopathology respectively.
Results: Lower age, higher educational status of the patient, acute onset, and higher scores for negative symptom or general psychopathology in PANSS were associated with brief DUP.
Conclusions: Certain sociodemographic and clinical features are associated with brief DUP, and there is a need for more, especially longitudinal, studies on this topic.Â
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