Intimate partner violence and its association with common mental disorders among spouses of men with alcohol dependence syndrome attending tertiary care hospital
Intimate Partner Violence, Common Mental Disorders, Alcohol Dependence Syndrome, SpousesAbstract
Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) among spouses have been associated with increased common mental disorders (CMDs) and poor quality of life in women. But this relationship has not received adequate research attention. Aim: To study the prevalence of IPV and CMDs and their interrelationship among spouses of people with ADS. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on 65 spouses (participants) of people with ADS admitted to the inpatient de-addiction services. The participants were administered with Demographic and Health Survey Tool, Domestic Violence Module (DVM) to assess the IPV. Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) was applied to note the pattern of alcoholism. Participants were administered with Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Those who had a score of 6 and above on the SRQ-20 were administered with specific modules of MINI. International Neuropsychiatric Interview PLUS to obtain a specific diagnosis of CMD. Results: IPV was present either in the form of emotional, physical or sexual violence (84.6%). Physical (72.3%) and emotional violence (66.2%) was noted to be the most commonly experienced violence, followed by sexual violence (30.8%). On backwards linear regression analysis, emotional violence was found to be a significant predictor variable for CMDs (p <0.05), and the Chi-square test showed a significant association of CMDs with emotional violence ( p = 0.009 ). Conclusion: The results emphasize the need to develop and integrate psycho-social interventions in the routine de-addiction programmes, focusing on the mental well-being of spouses of people with ADS. Conventionally, de-addiction programmes focus more on the patient, and less emphasis is given to the mental health needs of the spouses. This study highlights that CMDs and IPVs are prevalent in spouses of patients with ADS. Hence, such interventions can aid in the early diagnosis and management of CMDs.
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