Anxiety, depression and quality of life in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in a tertiary care centre- a cross-sectional study
anxiety, depression, quality of life, breast cancer, chemotherapyAbstract
Background: Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women worldwide. The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are strongly associated with anxiety and depression, which negatively affects the patient's quality of life (QOL). We aimed to study the prevalence of anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and their quality of life. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 30 women aged 18-65 years diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy in a tertiary care centre in Kerala, India. Anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). QOL and its domains were assessed using the WHOQOL?BREF. Results: The mean age of women in the study was 53.57±7.33 years. Of the 30 patients, the prevalence of anxiety and depression was 16.7% and 20.0%, respectively. The severity of anxiety was mild, and among patients with depression, 3.3% had moderate depression. In the domains of QOL, the physical domain score was minimal, while the domain of the social relation had a maximum score. The physical domain of QOL was significantly associated with chemotherapy-related hair loss and mouth sores, psychological domain with a family history of psychiatric illness, chemotherapy-related nausea/vomiting and mouth sores. Occupation and total monthly income were associated with the environment domain and postsurgical status with the social relations domain. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression were found in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and the overall QOL was not affected by anxiety or depression.
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