Self-reported Emotional Experience Among Police Personnel Before and After Attending a Mindfulness Based Intervention (Mindful Life Management-MLM)-an Observational Study
mindfulness, life management, emotional experienceAbstract
Background: Stress has been proven to be hazardous, resulting in significant physical, emotional, social and cognitive disturbances which are unpleasant. Police officers have elevated rates of cardiovascular diseases, sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, depression and PRSD. Kerala Police has implemented several programs for management of stress among its members. Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) have been shown to enhance emotional intelligence, reduce negative emotions and health outcomes in police officers. Objective: The objective of the current study is to study the effectiveness of an MBI in reducing the negative emotions among police officers
Methods: The present study is an observational study which attempts to assess and compare the subjectively reported emotion and Mindfulness level among police personnel before and six weeks after attending the Mindful Life Management (MLM) workshop. Results: Results of the present study suggests a statistically significant association between subjective emotional experience and the MBIs. Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) scores also were found to be significant statistically. FFMQ scores before and after the MLM workshop were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Results of the present study points to the fact that MLM can be thought of as a method of intervention to manage emotional turmoil among police personnel of our state. The relationship between the change in emotion and change in FFMQ score has to be further explored with adequate sample size. This ongoing study comparing the stress and emotional levels of the police force in the State of Kerala before and after MLM course will help to strengthen further the effects of MBIs in recognizing their emotional state.
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